The Five Best Deep Breathing Exercises for Calmness and Relaxation

People are often stressed out, and deep breathing exercises are usually recommended for achieving relaxation and calmness. They are among the simplest things a person can do to make a great difference, and simple breathing can help with stress levels.

 People are often stressed out, and deep breathing exercises are usually recommended for achieving relaxation and calmness. They are among the simplest things a person can do to make a great difference, and simple breathing can help with stress levels. Breathing Is Great for Relieving Stress and Anxiety Levels Focusing on each breath while breathing slowly allows people to be more present and mindful. Sometimes, this can be enough to distract from the things that make people worried or anxious. Slower, deeper breathing is beneficial for overall health levels and costs nothing to implement. That’s what makes deep breathing exercises so powerful. Diaphragmatic Breathing Is the Simplest Exercise One Can Learn Diaphragmatic breathing is the core of deep breathing and is used in every other breathing exercise. So, it’s great for those who are new to breathing exercises and is simple enough to do the trick for most people. Diaphragmatic breathing, also called belly breathing, is not difficult to learn and is centered around focusing attention on the movement of the abdomen, which is a result of the diaphragm moving up and down. It involves breathing deeply through the nose and exhaling through closed lips like whistling. Box Breathing Can Be Used for Falling Asleep and Remaining Calm Box breathing is beneficial for people who want to center themselves. It involves getting focused on breathing and taking the mind off of things that are worrying. It can be done at home at night and is great for initiating sleep. Box breathing can be used by people who wake up in the middle of the night and cannot easily fall back asleep. It is done through deep four-second inhalations and long four-second exhalations with four-second pauses in between, during which the practitioner should hold their breath. 4-7-8 Breathing Is Used for Deep Relaxation and Lowering the Heart Rate 4-7-8 breathing is a type of counting breathing exercise that is associated with deep relaxation. Most people can do it anywhere when they are feeling anxious and without anyone being aware of what they're doing. It is a type of breathing that helps to lower the heart rate and makes breathing feel more controlled. It involves placing the tip of the tongue behind the upper front teeth for the duration of the exercise. Inhales should be done for four seconds and exhales for eight seconds with a seven-second pause in between, during which the practitioner should hold their breath. Ujjayi Breathing Is a Popular Yogic Breathing Called Pranayama Ujjayi is a type of yogic breathing known as pranayama. It includes slow breathing frequency and more significant volumes of air and can be both relaxing and energizing. However, it requires some vocalization and can be challenging to do around people. It involves inhaling and exhaling through the nose, keeping the mouth closed and the throat slightly constricted. The breathing should be done from the diaphragm, and each breath should be long and smooth. Alternate Nostril Breathing Is All About Using One Nostril at a Time Alternate nostril breathing is centered around inhaling and exhaling using one nostril at a time. While research on alternate nostril breathing is limited, one 2019 study has suggested that it can benefit cardiac function in healthy people combating stress. It can also lower blood pressure in people with hypertension. This type of breathing involves closing one nostril with a finger and using the other for inhaling and exhaling. It is also great for people who want to calm down after a particular situation.
The Five Best Deep Breathing Exercises for Calmness and Relaxation

Breathing Is Great for Relieving Stress and Anxiety Levels

Focusing on each breath while breathing slowly allows people to be more present and mindful. Sometimes, this can be enough to distract from the things that make people worried or anxious. Slower, deeper breathing is beneficial for overall health levels and costs nothing to implement. That’s what makes deep breathing exercises so powerful.

Diaphragmatic Breathing Is the Simplest Exercise One Can Learn

The Five Best Deep Breathing Exercises for Calmness and Relaxation

Diaphragmatic breathing is the core of deep breathing and is used in every other breathing exercise. So, it’s great for those who are new to breathing exercises and is simple enough to do the trick for most people. Diaphragmatic breathing, also called belly breathing, isn’t difficult to learn and is centered around focusing attention on the movement of the abdomen, which is a result of the diaphragm moving up and down. It involves breathing deeply through the nose and exhaling through closed lips like whistling.

Box Breathing Can Be Used for Falling Asleep and Remaining Calm

The Five Best Deep Breathing Exercises for Calmness and Relaxation

Box breathing is beneficial for people who want to center themselves. It involves getting focused on breathing and taking the mind off of things that are worrying. It can be done at home at night and is great for initiating sleep. Box breathing can be used by people who wake up in the middle of the night and cannot easily fall back asleep. It’s done through deep four-second inhalations and long four-second exhalations with four-second pauses in between, during which the practitioner should hold their breath.

4-7-8 Breathing Is Used for Deep Relaxation and Lowering the Heart Rate

The Five Best Deep Breathing Exercises for Calmness and Relaxation

4-7-8 breathing is a type of counting breathing exercise that’s associated with deep relaxation. Most people can do it anywhere when they’re feeling anxious and without anyone being aware of what they’re doing. It’s a type of breathing that helps to lower the heart rate and makes breathing feel more controlled. It involves placing the tip of the tongue behind the upper front teeth for the duration of the exercise. Inhales should be done for four seconds and exhales for eight seconds with a seven-second pause in between, during which the practitioner should hold their breath.

Ujjayi Breathing Is a Popular Yogic Breathing Called Pranayama

The Five Best Deep Breathing Exercises for Calmness and Relaxation

Ujjayi is a type of yogic breathing known as pranayama. It includes slow breathing frequency and more significant volumes of air and can be both relaxing and energizing. However, it requires some vocalization and can be challenging to do around people. It involves inhaling and exhaling through the nose, keeping the mouth closed and the throat slightly constricted. The breathing should be done from the diaphragm, and each breath should be long and smooth.

Alternate Nostril Breathing Is All About Using One Nostril at a Time

The Five Best Deep Breathing Exercises for Calmness and Relaxation

Alternate nostril breathing is centered around inhaling and exhaling using one nostril at a time. While research on alternate nostril breathing is limited, one 2019 study has suggested that it can benefit cardiac function in healthy people combating stress. It can also lower blood pressure in people with hypertension. This type of breathing involves closing one nostril with a finger and using the other for inhaling and exhaling. It’s also great for people who want to calm down after a particular situation.